Quin són els jocs més venuts? Llevat algunes excepcions, la política editorial habitual és la de manca de transparència, combinat amb la falta d'un gremi que aglutini els venedors es fa difícil saber-ho del cert.
Tanmateix, des de fa quatre anys el portal/revista friki americana ICv2 intenta recopilar aquesta informació contactant amb venedors, distribuïdors i editorials. El resultat el publica en forma de top 5.
En aquest top les primeres posicions estan copades pràcticament sempre per els mateixos jocs. He fet un càlcul d'aparicions i posicions per veure quin són, a grosso modo, els més venuts durant aquest quatre anys i el resultat és:
Top vendes 2008-2012
1. Dungeons and Dragons - Wizards of the Coast (72)
2. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing (56)
3. Warhammer 40k - Fantasy Flight Games (36)
4. Dragon Age - Green Ronin Publishing (15)
5. World of Darkness - White Wolf (13)
6. Warhammer Fantasy RPG - Fantasy Flight Games (12)
7. Shadowrun - Catalyst Lab Games (9)
8. Song of Ice and Fire - Green Ronin Publishing (4)
9. Mutants and Masterminds, inc. DC - Green Ronin Publishing (2)
9. Star Wars - Wizards of the Coast (2)
11. Dresden Files - Evil Hat
11. The One Ring - Cubicle 7 (1)
11. Marvel Heroic Roleplaying - Margaret Weis Productions (1)
11. Dungeon Crawl Classics - Goodman Games
Aquestes són els dades per trimestres com apareixen a ICv2:
Tardor 2008
1. Dungeons and Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
2. Warhammer 40K: Dark Heresy - Fantasy Flight Games
3. World of Darkness - White Wolf
4. Shadowrun - Catalyst Lab Games
5. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
Hivern 2009
1. Dungeons and Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
2. Warhammer 40k: Dark Heresy - Fantasy Flight Games
3. World of Darkness - White Wolf Publishing
4. Star Wars - Wizards of the Coast
5. Shadowrun - Catalyst Game Labs
Primavera 2009
1. Dungeons and Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
2. Warhammer 40k: Dark Heresy - Fantasy Flight Games
3. World of Darkness - White Wolf Publishing
4. Song of Ice and Fire - Green Ronin Publishing
5. Shadowrun - Catalyst Game Labs
Estiu 2009
1. Dungeons and Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
2. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
3. World of Darkness - White Wolf Publishing
4. Song of Ice and Fire - Green Ronin Publishing
5. Shadowrun - Catalyst Game Labs
Tardor 2009
1. Dungeons and Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
2. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
3. Warhammer Fantasy RPG - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy - Fantasy Flight Games
5. World of Darkness - White Wolf/CCP
Hivern 2010
1. Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
2. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
3. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy - Fantasy Flight Games
5. Dragon Age - Green Ronin Publishing
Primavera 2010
1. Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
2. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
3. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - Fantasy Flight Games
4. ShadowRun - Catlyst Game Labs
5. Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy - Fantasy Flight Games
Estiu 2010
1. (Tie) Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
1. (Tie) - Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
3. Warhammer Fantasy - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader - Fantasy Flight Games
5. Dresden Files - Evil Hat
Tardor 2010
1. Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
2. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
3. Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Dragon Age - Green Ronin Publishing
5. Mutants and Masterminds, inc. DC - Green Ronin Publishing
Hivern 2011
1. Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
2. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
3. Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Dragon Age - Green Ronin Publishing
5. Mutants and Masterminds, inc. DC - Green Ronin Publishing
Primavera 2011
1. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
2. Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
3. Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Dragon Age - Green Ronin Publishing
5. Shadowrun - Catalyst Game Labs
Estiu 2011
1. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
2. Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
3. Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Dragon Age - Green Ronin Publishing
5. Shadowrun - Catalyst Game Labs
Tardor 2011
1. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
2. Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
3. Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Dragon Age - Green Ronin Publishing
5. The One Ring - Cubicle 7
Primavera 2012
1. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
2. Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
3. Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Dragon Age - Green Ronin Publishing
5. Marvel Heroic Roleplaying - Margaret Weis Productions
Estiu 2012
1. Pathfinder - Paizo Publishing
2. Dungeons & Dragons - Wizards of the Coast
3. Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch - Fantasy Flight Games
4. Dragon Age - Green Ronin Publishing
5. Dungeon Crawl Classics - Goodman Games
Doncs m'agradaria provar el Shadowrun, que és el que més s'assembla a Rifts ;D
ResponEliminaDoncs sí, té unes regles gairebé tant dolentes.
ResponEliminaMAteu, tens la dolçor d'un tití de cap blanc....